Tuesday, September 28, 2010

lazy days

Seattle was graced with unseasonably warm weather this past weekend, so we headed outdoors to the sculpture park for a lazy afternoon picnic. Some of the best times are the times when you doing nothing much at all...

Sunday's weather was more of a mixed bag, but my roommate and I moseyed over to Pike Place where we ate our way through the free samples at an artisan food festival that we stumbled upon.  We then spent a relaxing few hours tasting local wines while keeping a wary eye on the ominous rainclouds above. Not a bad way to pass the day considering that we didn't have anything planned to begin with.

I look forward to Sunday nights right now because both Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire are on. The cinematography in both is great, and I guess I'm a sucker for well-done period shows too. I'm especially in love with the opening credits for Boardwalk - the surreal imagery and the music are spot on, as is the visual allusion to Magritte's Son of Man.

1 comment:

  1. i've been told i need to get into mad men but there's just so much to catch up on now!

    also, magritte is definitely one of my favorite artists.
