Sunday, April 3, 2011

how does your garden grow?

I don't exactly know how the idea got into my mind. Perhaps it was spring fever getting to my brain. Perhaps it was all the recipes I've been trying lately that always seem to require minute amounts of expensive fresh herbs. But for whatever reason, I went out last weekend in search of plants to start a little kitchen garden. I had visions of basil, mint, thyme and rosemary growing in cute little pots on my windowsill and tomato and mozzarella salads garnished with basil leaves picked right from the plant. Alas, I discovered that basil is not only not in season yet (according to the plant nursery), it's also not really suited to growing indoors (according to my botanist mother). Luckily, rosemary and thyme were available and are now sitting on my windowsill, struggling to soak up the meager amount of sunlight my apartment gets.

I love having a bit of greenery in the apartment - every time I look over at my mini garden, it brings a smile to my face. Now, I just need a good recipe to test out my fresh herbs! 

1 comment:

  1. aw they are so cute! and it's so cool you'll be cooking with them. :D
