Saturday, November 20, 2010

rainy day comforts

As winter sets in, I'm struggling to get used to Seattle's early sunsets and gloomy skies. A cozy coffee shop and a well-made espresso go a long way towards warding off the winter blues though. I found this great guide to Seattle shops & restaurants the other day, and with a quiet Sunday afternoon ahead of us, the roommate & I decided to check out one of the coffee shops on the list.

Muse Coffee is tucked away on a quiet house-lined street in Queen Anne. The owners clearly have an eye for design - there are unique little pieces scattered unexpectedly around the shop, like a golden buddha by the coffee cups, a plaster moose head mounted on the wall, and hanging lamps with inspirational/random paper messages. And my drink - a mocha with orange zest - was the perfect thing to get me through the gray day.

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