Monday, February 21, 2011

san francisco scenes

These past few weekends have been quite busy with various travel plans. I felt like I had just recovered from my weekend to New York when it was time to fly off to San Francisco for another weekend mini-vacation (a double date one this time, with one of my favorite couples!). And I just came back from a weekend in Whistler last night. I know, my life is hard...

The weather cooperated beautifully - with clear skies and highs in the 70's, we were able to cover a decent portion of the city in just a couple days. I've been to SF a number of times now, but on this trip, I saw it with a slightly different perspective. Having lived in two other major US cities now (NYC and Seattle), I felt like I appreciated SF's unique urban atmosphere much more. It has the public transportation and pedestrian-friendly feel of NYC, in addition to the relaxed vibe and beautiful scenery that I've come to love about Seattle. It also has a few more crazies than any city I've ever lived in, but I guess that's part of the package.

One of the highlights of the trip was definitely the bike ride to Sausalito. I had to restrain myself from stopping and taking pictures every few minutes, as we passed one picturesque scene after another. Someone needs to invent a head-mounted camera with a remote shutter click or something. And the sunset ferry back was a photographer's dream. After a hundred shots or so though, I decided to just pause and enjoy the view, which I sometimes forget to do when I'm stuck behind my camera all the time.

We also lucked out in our food choices, but I will save those pictures for another post. More to come on pizza, roast chicken, dim sum, and other deliciousness.


  1. i think i'd need like 30 rolls of film if i go to SF... ugh, so picturesque indeed.

  2. I recognize so many of those places! Sounds like you had a great time. Lovely pics!
