Tuesday, November 30, 2010

savor every second of sunlight

Hunting down Seattle coffee shops has become something of a weekend hobby for me lately, and I stumbled upon a great one this past Sunday. Well, I shouldn't say stumbled - I actually did a quick Bing (shameless company plug) search for "Seattle coffee shops," which led me to Fremont Coffee. It passed with flying colors on Yelp, so we headed off to Fremont to check it out. Ah, the beauty of the internet.

Fremont Coffee is one of the more unique coffee shops that I have seen here. I felt less like I was walking into a coffee shop, and more like I was just stopping by my friendly neighbor's house who happened to make awesome coffee and have plenty of open rooms to hang out in. The weather was cooperating that day too, and I loved the effect of the winter sunlight falling on the rustic wraparound porch. Very Seattle country chic, if such a thing exists. It must be a great place to spend a summer afternoon.

Another unique bit - their latte art! I'm used to seeing pretty flowers and hearts, but this was definitely the first time I had seen a skull in my macchiato...a bit spooky perhaps (a little death with your coffee?), but I appreciated the creativity :)  

I also got to see another bit of local Seattle culture, the so-called "Fremont Troll" that sits under the Aurora Bridge. I almost missed it since I was driving, but luckily Andrew spotted it as we were going by. The conversation went something like this: "What the hell is that thing??" "Oh, that's the Fremont troll!" "Wha?" 

It's been a good photo/coffee weekend for me, but that may go on pause in the post-Thanksgiving crunch. Sigh. I've certainly enjoyed my week off from work...back to the grind!

Fremont Coffee
459 36th St.